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Spear Digest Dental Articles

The Secret to Getting Out of the Time Trap

The Secret to Getting Out of the Time Trap

Almost all the pressures, anxieties and stresses in life rotate around three things: your time, money and relationships. And if you are like most people,...

| 11 years ago
Your Ideal Life is Closer Than You Think

Your Ideal Life is Closer Than You Think

It can often seem that the ideal life you envision for yourself as a dentist is miles away from reality and that it would take years or huge improvements...

| 11 years ago
How to Have the Time of Your Life in Dentistry

How to Have the Time of Your Life in Dentistry

'I don't have enough time,' is a common refrain in today's world. In fact it's probably among the most universal conditions. Who among us would not like to...

| 11 years ago
Change Your Story, Change Your Life

Change Your Story, Change Your Life

The voice you hear most often is the one inside your head. Psychologists call it 'self-talk.' It's that internal dialogue that provides a running commentary for...

| 11 years ago
The Paradox of Doing Less to Increase the Value of Your Time

The Paradox of Doing Less to Increase the Value of Your Time

How much time are you going to spend reading this article? Since most of my readers are busy dentists, I'm going to assume that you are going to...

| 11 years ago
Why You Should Retire Right Now

Why You Should Retire Right Now

To me retirement is about doing what you love. If you are living with passion and doing the things you love, while also embracing the things you don't...

| 11 years ago
Every Dentist's Most Important Asset

Every Dentist's Most Important Asset

What is the most valuable asset you own? It's not your house. It's not your practice, no matter how highly it may be appraised. In fact, it is not any...

| 11 years ago
Five Questions to Help You Stop the Insanity

Five Questions to Help You Stop the Insanity

You are probably familiar with the quotation, often attributed to Albert Einstein: 'The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and...

| 11 years ago
The First Thing to Say When a Patient Says No

The First Thing to Say When a Patient Says No

What do you do when a patient says no to the dental problems you have shown them? If you're like many dentists, you consider your job done, accept their...

| 11 years ago
Dentistry as a Hobby?

Dentistry as a Hobby?

One of our clients at Spear – someone we have been profiling as part of our effort to document and analyze the success our clients – said...

| 11 years ago
Diagnose Your Practice in Five Simple Questions

Diagnose Your Practice in Five Simple Questions

It's true that a dental practice is a complex machine, and there are a lot of moving parts that go into making a smooth-running successful operation....

| 11 years ago
How to Create Reliable Team Alignment

How to Create Reliable Team Alignment

'I wish I could get the right people on my team,' is right up there with 'I wish I could get the right patients,' among the most common dreams of dentists. Naturally, you...

| 11 years ago