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Spear Digest Dental Articles

Are You Checking the Vital Signs of Your Practice?

Are You Checking the Vital Signs of Your Practice?

Imagine if instead of a dashboard readout your car issued a month-end report, telling you how fast you were traveling on average per day, what your total...

| 10 years ago
You Are Living Your Future

You Are Living Your Future

Every one of us can look back on our life and identify turning point moments. Very often, we didn't realize they were turning points at the time....

| 10 years ago
Something You Have to Experience to Appreciate

Something You Have to Experience to Appreciate

I have always been a big advocate of the philosophy that says you have to believe it before you see it. To me that is the essence of having an inspiring...

| 10 years ago
Your Patients Are Impatient Consumers

Your Patients Are Impatient Consumers

There is an important trend that is shaping our consumer society in a way that is significantly different from what previous generations experienced....

| 10 years ago
An Opportunity Too Big to See

An Opportunity Too Big to See

If you go anywhere in Africa, even to some of the most remote areas, you'll find signs for Bata Shoes. In fact in many places their market presence is...

| 10 years ago
The Secret to Effective Scheduling

The Secret to Effective Scheduling

Has a patient ever accepted your treatment plan, and you suggest to your assistant to place an hour and a half in the schedule as soon as possible to...

| 10 years ago
A Space and Time Solution for Dentists

A Space and Time Solution for Dentists

What do you do if you are poised to grow as a practice but your facility won't let you? This is a question that came up recently from a reader when I...

| 10 years ago
Finding the Leader in You

Finding the Leader in You

I have spent a good portion of my professional life studying and presenting on the topic of leadership. It is an important, complex topic, as you can...

| 10 years ago
How to Get the Universe on Your Side

How to Get the Universe on Your Side

'At the moment of commitment, the universe conspires to assist you.' I have always loved that quote from the philosopher Goethe largely because in the...

| 10 years ago
A Simple Tip for Talking About Fees

A Simple Tip for Talking About Fees

'That sounds great, doc, but how much will it cost?' If you're like a lot of dentists this is among your least favorite questions. And it's not because you...

| 10 years ago
Reinventing the Patient Experience

Reinventing the Patient Experience

Remember when movie theaters were supposed to be going out of business? With the home theater revolution, ticket sales at the major cinemas started declining...

| 10 years ago
An Alternative to the Associate or Partner Solution

An Alternative to the Associate or Partner Solution

What do you do as a dentist if you find yourself hitting a saturation point but you don't want to bring in an associate or partner? In a previous article,...

| 10 years ago