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Spear Digest Dental Articles

An Important Thing to Know About the '10,000-Hour Rule'

An Important Thing to Know About the '10,000-Hour Rule'

By now most people have heard about the '10,000-hour rule.' This idea, popularized by Malcolm Gladwell and others, suggests that it requires about 10,000 hours...

| 10 years ago
How to Take Yes for an Answer

How to Take Yes for an Answer

Every practice has a protocol for their 'new patient experience' with first-time visitors. It's such a crucial subject that I have spent a lot of time...

| 10 years ago
Are You Great Enough to Fail?

Are You Great Enough to Fail?

It's not a surprise that we all like to do what we're good at. For instance, I realize that I'm never going to win a marathon. I like to run but I'm getting...

| 10 years ago
An Incredible Story of Purpose and Perseverance

An Incredible Story of Purpose and Perseverance

Dashrath Manjhi was a poor farm laborer who lived in a small remote village in India. It was a village that was separated from the nearest markets, schools...

| 10 years ago
The Three Numbers You Need to Know

The Three Numbers You Need to Know

A well-lived life is one in which you know the 'answer' you are working toward. So how do you break that answer down into concrete, measurable terms?...

| 10 years ago
Let the Answer be the Answer

Let the Answer be the Answer

Ask 10 people what life is about and you'll likely get 10 different answers. For one person it's about achieving transcending enlightenment,...

| 10 years ago
The Five Kinds of Energy You Need

The Five Kinds of Energy You Need

Accomplishing our goals in life often requires having the right energy – but what is the right energy? In my experience, not all energy is created...

| 10 years ago
Keep Your Higher Purpose in Mind

Keep Your Higher Purpose in Mind

If a Genie granted you three wishes, what would you wish for? Given the chance, many of us would wish for an escape from everyday things we are responsible...

| 10 years ago
Three Ways to Fast Track an Associate to Success

Three Ways to Fast Track an Associate to Success

Previously, I wrote about how it is the responsibility of the senior dentist to give a new associate every opportunity to flourish when that new person...

| 10 years ago
How to Make Someone 'The Right Person for the Job'

How to Make Someone 'The Right Person for the Job'

I call it 'Cinderella Syndrome.' It's that stage that a lot of dentists go through when it is time to bring an associate aboard. They wait, like the prince with...

| 10 years ago
Being a Dentist in a Digital World

Being a Dentist in a Digital World

It is an astonishing but easily overlooked fact that almost all of us are carrying around in our pockets devices far more sophisticated in computing power...

| 10 years ago
Create a Meaningful Team Compensation Strategy

Create a Meaningful Team Compensation Strategy

Implementing bonus programs for dental teams can be a double-edged sword. On the one hand you want to share your success with those who have helped you...

| 10 years ago