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Spear Digest Dental Articles

When Talent Meets Purpose

When Talent Meets Purpose

Meryl Streep has been nominated for an Academy Award a record 18 times. She also holds the record for Golden Globe nominations and has received...

| 10 years ago
The One Conversation Every Great Dentist Knows How to Have

The One Conversation Every Great Dentist Knows How to Have

How many of your patients do you think are walking around today with mouths that showcase the great dentistry you are capable of delivering? In most...

| 10 years ago
The Law of Energy Spirals

The Law of Energy Spirals

It is often said that there is no such thing as an 'overnight success,' and I believe this to be true. In almost every case real success is the result of...

| 10 years ago
Are You in the Comfort Zone?

Are You in the Comfort Zone?

Dentists get into comfort zones for a number of reasons. Sometimes it's because they have had several long hard years building the practice and now that...

| 10 years ago
Choose Your Habits, Choose Your Life

Choose Your Habits, Choose Your Life

People are creatures of habit. But how often do we think about what it really means and how we can use that simple insight into our nature to our advantage?...

| 10 years ago
Who Is On Your Advisory Board?

Who Is On Your Advisory Board?

I was walking through the Spear Campus a while ago and ran into a client I have come to know well. 'This must be at least the fourth time I have seen...

| 10 years ago
Don't Let the People You Care About Become Invisible

Don't Let the People You Care About Become Invisible

I recently received a phone message from my sister that made me stop and think about the most important relationships in our lives. She was calling to...

| 10 years ago
The 'Third Skill' of Today's Successful Dentist

The 'Third Skill' of Today's Successful Dentist

About 30 years ago I owned a company in Canada that computerized dental offices. This was at a time when about 90 percent of the practices...

| 10 years ago
A Lesson in Self-Accountability

A Lesson in Self-Accountability

There was a large magnificent tree on our property where I grew up in Kenya. This is the kind of tree that is ideal for an adventurous boy to climb and...

| 10 years ago
The Hidden Drivers of Your Success

The Hidden Drivers of Your Success

I was giving my nephew some life coaching recently. He is graduating this year from dental school and I agreed to spend some time with him to provide...

| 10 years ago
Make Sure You Stay Focused

Make Sure You Stay Focused

I have often said that the average dentist can take one look at who is coming into the practice on any given day and predict what kind of day they are...

| 10 years ago
Four Reasons for a Late-Career Facility Makeover

Four Reasons for a Late-Career Facility Makeover

Why bother with significant reinvestments in your practice when you are just a few years away from retirement? Why not let the new practice owner worry...

| 10 years ago