Dentist or Technician: Who Chooses the Implant Abutment?
The decision on the definitive implant abutment selection should be a collaboration between the dentist and the dental lab technician.
Greggory Kinzer | 4 years ago ›‘Screw-Mentable’ Implant Restoration
The restorative challenges associated with screw-retained restorations can be solved by designing the implant in two pieces.
Greggory Kinzer | 5 years ago ›Implant Dilemma: What's Going on With Open Contacts?
Dr. Greggory Kinzer discusses a study on implant open contacts and the importance of patient monitoring.
Greggory Kinzer | 6 years ago ›Should You Probe Dental Implants?
Proper evaluation of dental implants, with baseline information that includes probing, is necessary when making a determination of health or disease.
Greggory Kinzer | 7 years ago ›Implants: Screw-Retained vs. Cement-Retained
Dr. Gregg Kinzer compares both screw-retained and cement-retained implant options.
Greggory Kinzer | 7 years ago ›'Closed Tray' vs. ‘Open Tray' Implant Impressions
We compare and contrast closed tray and open tray implant impressions.
Greggory Kinzer | 8 years ago ›The Abutment Option Most Dentists Overlook
Though often overlooked, the Custom UCLA-metal ceramic abutment offers many benefits.
Greggory Kinzer | 8 years ago ›Who Chooses the Implant Abutment: The Dentist or the Technician?
Should the clinician or the technician choose the implant abutment? We look at a case example to discover the answer.
Greggory Kinzer | 8 years ago ›What is the most crucial factor in terms of correcting tissue discoloration around implant restorations? We discuss the research in our latest article.
Greggory Kinzer | 8 years ago ›If You're Using Hybrid Implant Abutments, Heed This Word of Caution
There are many benefits to using hybrid implant abutments; however, dental clinicians should be cautious and consider these contraindications.
Greggory Kinzer | 9 years ago ›Why Implant Restoration Screws Become Loose
Why do implant screws become loose in this day and age? We take a look at the most common reasons and how to avoid them.
Greggory Kinzer | 9 years ago ›Potential Implant Problems Due to Continued Facial Development and Tooth Eruption
Although it can be difficult, facial type may help to identify the patients who will have continued facial development and tooth eruption as well as the...
Greggory Kinzer | 9 years ago ›