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Spear Digest Dental Articles

My Time Travel Adventure: Chalkboard Thinking in an iPad World

My Time Travel Adventure: Chalkboard Thinking in an iPad World

During a recent class reunion, Imtiaz Manji reflected on how technology often moves faster than people.

| 8 years ago
Some Positive Thoughts after a Scary Airport Experience

Some Positive Thoughts after a Scary Airport Experience

When people thought a tragedy was about to occur at LAX recently, they came together instead of falling apart.

| 8 years ago
Four Questions to Ask a Problem Team Member

Four Questions to Ask a Problem Team Member

How can dentists help team members learn from their mistakes? Here's are four questions that will help.

| 8 years ago
How to Get That 'New Patient Energy' With Your Existing Patients

How to Get That 'New Patient Energy' With Your Existing Patients

Learn how seeing new patients in your dental practice can help you with your current patient base.

| 8 years ago
Talking to Your Team About the Business of Dentistry

Talking to Your Team About the Business of Dentistry

If your dental team does not want to talk to patients about advanced care, it's time to talk.

| 8 years ago
Creating the Right Environment for Case Acceptance

Creating the Right Environment for Case Acceptance

A separate consultation room is not the only way to improve case acceptance in your dental practice.

| 8 years ago
How Concerned Should Dentists be About Global Economic Changes?

How Concerned Should Dentists be About Global Economic Changes?

While Brexit has many concerned over global economic changes, dentist practice owners have control over only one economy.

| 8 years ago
Why a Dental Practice Owner Should Be Like a Lobster

Why a Dental Practice Owner Should Be Like a Lobster

Dentists should feel motivated to grow, even if it can be uncomfortable at first - much like a lobster.

| 8 years ago
Why Dental Insurance Doesn’t Exist

Why Dental Insurance Doesn’t Exist

We look at the definition of insurance to see if, in fact, dental insurance lives up to its name.

| 8 years ago
Are Your Blindsiding Patients with Your Treatment Presentation?

Are Your Blindsiding Patients with Your Treatment Presentation?

Dentists must know their patients before their present treatment plans. Here's why.

| 8 years ago
The Value of Dentistry in a Consumer-Driven World

The Value of Dentistry in a Consumer-Driven World

What can dentists do when patients say they can't afford dentistry - but they can afford gourmet coffee every day?

| 8 years ago
A Story of Hall-of-Fame Teamwork

A Story of Hall-of-Fame Teamwork

It takes teamwork to make amazing things happen - whether it's a complex space mission or your creating a successful dental practice.

| 8 years ago