For many years, diagnostic impressions weren't given the attention they deserved. As I began to utilize diagnostic models in my practice, the need to...
Abigail Pfeiffer | 15 years ago ›I have worked with thousands of dentists over the last 15 years of teaching, and I have learned that the dentists who are most successful in their...
Steve Ratcliff | 15 years ago ›Advancing Academic Leadership in Dentistry
June was a very special month for me and my lecture partners of the past 25 years, Vince Kokich and Dave Mathews. On June 12th, we gave a benefit...
Frank Spear | 15 years ago ›Recently, while preparing for a lecture on posterior restorative dentistry, I did some research on matrices so I could discuss creating an ideal contact...
Abigail Pfeiffer | 15 years ago ›Provisionals on veneer preparations can be challenging. The 'shrink to fit' or 'shrink-wrap' technique has gained popularity over the years. That is,...
Steve Ratcliff | 15 years ago ›