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Spear Digest Dental Articles

The New Value Roles: The Relationship Coordinator

The New Value Roles: The Relationship Coordinator

Contrary to popular belief, attracting new patients is not the number one factor in achieving practice growth. The most important factor is keeping the...

| 12 years ago
What Can Dentists Learn From the Parenting Experience

What Can Dentists Learn From the Parenting Experience

Raising kids can be difficult work, as anyone who has them knows. When they're very young, they need constant attention (and diaper changing) and cost...

| 12 years ago
Finishing Power: One of the Secrets to Real Leadership

Finishing Power: One of the Secrets to Real Leadership

I study leadership the way dentists study clinical care—it's my profession. I've led successful businesses myself for more than 30 years, and a big...

| 12 years ago
Does Google Know You're a Dentist?

Does Google Know You're a Dentist?

By now just about every dentist has come to realize that having a website is practically as important has having a telephone. And I've seen some pretty...

| 12 years ago
Why is Your New Patient Coming to See You?

Why is Your New Patient Coming to See You?

In most cases, that new patient you're seeing is someone else's 'old' patient. So why are they in your practice now? Why did they leave their previous...

| 12 years ago
Two Ways to Get the Most From Your Team

Two Ways to Get the Most From Your Team

I've said it many times: great practices are about more than great dentists. They almost always are driven by great dentists supported by great teams....

| 12 years ago
A Tale of Two Dentists

A Tale of Two Dentists

Dr. Whitecoat is a devoted clinician. She loves being a dentist and she's driven to providing the best care for her patients. She's always on top of new...

| 12 years ago
Three Patient Problems--And Why You Should Love Them

Three Patient Problems--And Why You Should Love Them

Last week, I wrote an article about the nature of perfection and how it's the pursuit of excellence — the ongoing journey of getting better —...

| 12 years ago
Another Word Dentists Need to Think About

Another Word Dentists Need to Think About

In a recent post, I explained how I object to the use of the term 'cleaning' to describe what happens at a clinical hygiene visit, because it diminishes...

| 12 years ago
Why You Never Want to be Perfect

Why You Never Want to be Perfect

The pursuit of excellence is about the journey, and if you're doing it right, there really is no final destination. I love this philosophy because it...

| 12 years ago
The First Step to Case Acceptance

The First Step to Case Acceptance

A new patient walks into a dental practice for her first visit. She approaches the front desk, waits for her turn to talk to someone and identifies herself....

| 12 years ago
The Power of Competition

The Power of Competition

Neil Armstrong, the first person to walk on the moon, gave a rare interview recently where he talked about that incredible historic event. There are a...

| 12 years ago