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Spear Digest Dental Articles

The Difference Between Goals and Vision

The Difference Between Goals and Vision

Are you setting goals for your dental practice and your personal life?

| 12 years ago
What Every New Patient Needs to Hear

What Every New Patient Needs to Hear

One of the biggest failures in patient communication often occurs with the very first contact. If you're taking a call from a new patient and you simply...

| 12 years ago
Are You Avoiding the Money Issue?

Are You Avoiding the Money Issue?

Not surprisingly, there's been a lot of discussion in the dental community about the recent Frontline show 'Dollars and Dentists.' I'm not going to...

| 12 years ago
The Top Five Excuses for Being Good Rather Than Great

The Top Five Excuses for Being Good Rather Than Great

1. That's the way we've always done it. Dental practices thrive on routine, so it's easy to get entrenched in systems, and for team members to get...

| 12 years ago
Make Today Your Interdependence Day

Make Today Your Interdependence Day

'We hold these truths to be self-evident...' Those famous words from the Declaration of Independence helped launch a great nation. And as we celebrate the...

| 12 years ago
Is It Time for a Mid-Career Makeover?

Is It Time for a Mid-Career Makeover?

'I don't want to be a product of my environment,' Jack Nicholson says at the beginning of The Departed, 'I want my environment to be a product of me.' It's a...

| 12 years ago
An Important Reminder on a Bittersweet Occasion

An Important Reminder on a Bittersweet Occasion

As a wise person once said, 'We more often need to be reminded than instructed.' I thought of that while watching my sons deliver a presentation of...

| 12 years ago
Three Things to Say to a Patient Who Only Wants a Cleaning

Three Things to Say to a Patient Who Only Wants a Cleaning

It's the common request of patients (and prospective patients) who don't value dentistry highly: I only want a cleaning. I've spoken many times...

| 12 years ago
Making Patients Feel at Home

Making Patients Feel at Home

When you have a guest over who is visiting your home for the first time, do you give them a tour of the house? It's sort of a traditional thing for a...

| 12 years ago
When Doing Your Job is Not Good Enough

When Doing Your Job is Not Good Enough

Our friend at Cerec Doctors, Dr. Armen Mirzayan, posted an interesting update on Facebook a while ago about his visit to a doctor's office: 'I walk...

| 12 years ago
The New Value Roles: The Provider

The New Value Roles: The Provider

This is where our week-long discussion of value roles ends, and it's appropriate that we finish with the Provider. This is where all the effort comes...

| 12 years ago
The New Value Roles: The Treatment Coordinator

The New Value Roles: The Treatment Coordinator

When my late wife, Shahinool, was undergoing cancer treatment at the Mayo Clinic we got an up-close look at how their legendary interdisciplinary care...

| 12 years ago