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Spear Digest Dental Articles

What Can Dentists Learn From a Charity?

What Can Dentists Learn From a Charity?

It was a charitable organization based out of a university in Israel, working to help provide services to disabled people in specific neighborhoods. Every...

| 11 years ago
How the Value of Time Drives Quality of Life

How the Value of Time Drives Quality of Life

I am often asked what I like to do in my free time. I understand the point of the question, but I think there is a flaw in the wording. To be honest,...

| 11 years ago
The Power of 'Protected Time'

The Power of 'Protected Time'

There are a lot of things going on in a dental practice at any given time. Nobody knows this better than the people on the front lines – the team...

| 11 years ago
Practicing Dentistry the 'Swiss Way'

Practicing Dentistry the 'Swiss Way'

This is a picture of Dr. Steve Ratcliff and me at the 'Top of Europe' at a place called Jungfrau in Switzerland. It's a breathtaking display of snow,...

| 11 years ago
One Great Way to Help Your New Associate Succeed

One Great Way to Help Your New Associate Succeed

Pair your new dentist with your best assistant. I realize that in many cases, the professional bond an established dentist feels with his or her assistant...

| 11 years ago
It's Not Just What You Say to Patients

It's Not Just What You Say to Patients

As a dentist, you put a lot of thought into your case presentations; organizing your data, assessing the patient's motivations and mindsets and being...

| 11 years ago
Are You Putting Out Fires or Lighting the Way?

Are You Putting Out Fires or Lighting the Way?

Have you ever noticed that the people who are most successful are the ones who have an unshakeable clarity for what is important? I think this is a quality...

| 11 years ago
The Four Kinds of Noise in Your Life

The Four Kinds of Noise in Your Life

Stuff happens. As much as you want to feel in control of your life, and as much as you work at implementing systems and strategies to keep yourself on...

| 11 years ago
Is 'Doing Your Best' Holding You Back?

Is 'Doing Your Best' Holding You Back?

Are you and your team giving your patients the best care you could possibly provide? I hope not. That is to say, I hope you are honestly giving the...

| 11 years ago
Five Things to Think About Before You Begin an Examination

Five Things to Think About Before You Begin an Examination

It is very easy for busy dentists to become relentlessly task-oriented. When you are looking at a full schedule where you go from patient to patient,...

| 11 years ago
How Well Are You Really Using Patient Data Systems?

How Well Are You Really Using Patient Data Systems?

If you're like most practices, you've been collecting patient data electronically for years. Advances in technology have made it easier than ever to record,...

| 11 years ago
One Simple Word That Drives Case Acceptance [Ed.]

One Simple Word That Drives Case Acceptance [Ed.]

I've been saying for some time now – in my e-books and elsewhere – that today's patients are savvy consumers and that they make decisions...

| 11 years ago