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Spear Digest Dental Articles

Let Your Patients See the Value Behind the Curtain

Let Your Patients See the Value Behind the Curtain

Are you the same dentist you were when you graduated from dental school? If you have been in practice for 10 years or more I bet you would say that...

| 10 years ago
The Three Kinds of Hygiene Patients

The Three Kinds of Hygiene Patients

As I wrote about previously, the hygiene check can be one of the most overlooked, or at least under-committed, relationship-building tools for many dentists....

| 10 years ago
Some Practical Advice on Team Value Role Implementation

Some Practical Advice on Team Value Role Implementation

In a recent article I talked about how it's important to have someone, usually a senior assistant, take on the role of treatment coordinator in the practice...

| 10 years ago
A Genuine Patient Greeting Makes All the Difference

A Genuine Patient Greeting Makes All the Difference

It is an irony of modern life that we have so many ways to be connected now—cell phones, email, text and instant messages—that we sometimes forget the power of...

| 10 years ago
Are Your Patients Talking About You?

Are Your Patients Talking About You?

Having a patient invite their friend or relative to join your practice is a very high compliment. Maybe that's why so many practices take a rather passive...

| 10 years ago
Give Your Team Time to Focus

Give Your Team Time to Focus

Human beings are capable of doing extraordinary things and achieving amazing success when they put their minds to reaching a clearly defined goal. We...

| 10 years ago
Is There Someone Missing From Your Practice?

Is There Someone Missing From Your Practice?

Every practice should have someone with an excellent clinical background such as a senior assistant, performing a designated treatment coordinator role,...

| 10 years ago
Five Points of Clarity Before You Bring in an Associate

Five Points of Clarity Before You Bring in an Associate

So you've made the decision to expand operations and bring in an associate. Congratulations. But now that you have arrived at that answer, there are a...

| 10 years ago
Trusting Your Internal Compass

Trusting Your Internal Compass

My sister Nadia is an exceptional woman. So when she graduated from university, I encouraged her to get going on her career. I knew she had incredible...

| 10 years ago
How to Speed Up By Slowing Down

How to Speed Up By Slowing Down

I have always been an action-oriented kind of person. For the most part that has served me well, but in my younger years my impatience with anything that...

| 10 years ago
A New Era in Team Communications

A New Era in Team Communications

Does your dental practice team feel out of the loop? If team meetings alone are not helping, here's another way you can ensure your entire dental team...

| 10 years ago
Three Big Steps When Introducing a New Dentist

Three Big Steps When Introducing a New Dentist

Bringing a new doctor into a practice is a huge step for any dental team. Unless you can make the people around you really believe in what you're...

| 10 years ago