Spear Online Features
Spear Online is dentistry’s most innovate online learning platform. As a Spear Online member you will have access to:
- Award-winning library of 1,500+ CE-based clinical lessons, staff training, and team meeting resources
- Spear Talk – a clinician-only online forum
- Patient education resources for the team including: practice-branded lobby videos, shareable diagnostic and treatment plan videos, chairside mobile app, print-ready patient handouts, and educational videos for your practice website and social platforms.
Online CE
Dentistry’s Most Innovative Online Learning Resource

Sharpen your skills from home or the office — or from anywhere on the go — with more than 1,500 video lessons and other dental continuing education materials focused on clinical expertise, practice management and team training.

Flexible & On-Demand Learning
Complete dental CE credits at your leisure, following video lessons led by the industry’s top clinicians and educators.
Patient Education
Membership also provides you with the new Patient Education platform, chairside tablet app and streaming lobby videos — animated, research-driven content to help patients confidently accept treatment.
Content Library
Video lessons include restorative dentistry strategies on esthetics, occlusion, worn dentition, implants, case acceptance, photography, patient communication and other essentials for practice growth. View the full Online Education Catalog.
Timely & Evolving
Coursework — including prescribed curriculum and pathways — is constantly being updated, with new material added weekly.

Online Education Catalog
The Art of Treatment Planning
Ortho vs. Restorative to Correct Malaligned Teeth - Six Key Questions (Part I)
Management of Gingival Levels, Part 2
Management of Gingival Levels, Part 1
Issues of Tooth Display
The Treatment Planning Process
The Spear Model for Practice Growth: Presenting Treatment Options
The Spear Model for Practice Growth: Creating an Excellent Patient Experience
The Spear Model for Practice Growth: Identifying Patient Types & Setting Expectations
Evolution of a Practice: Survival & Growth
Evolution of a Practice: The Profit Stage
Complex Patients - Treatment Planning and Case Presentation
Creating a New Patient Experience With Intention
Treating Canted Incisal/Occlusal Planes
Behavioral Considerations for Pediatric Patients
An Introduction to Pediatric Restorative Dentistry
Diagnosing, Treatment Planning, and Sequencing Pediatric Patients
The Pediatric Dental Exam
Consequences of, and Corrective Processes in Addressing Dysfunctional Behavior Patterns
The Blueprint for Treatment: Efficient Diagnostic Wax-ups with Intention
Restorative Techniques and Materials
Posterior Composites: Keys to Clinical Success Part 1
Outcome-based Design Principles for Anterior Partial-coverage Restorations
Adjusting and Polishing Zirconia Restorations
Adjusting and Polishing e.max Restorations
The Periodontal-Restorative Interface
Using Pressure and Vacuum Units to Create Thermoplastics
Preparation Reduction Guides
Bite Registration Techniques
Setting Teeth for Our Edentulous Patients
Impressions for Our Edentulous Patients
Evaluating the Edentulous Patient
Diagnostic Wax-ups
Bleaching and Composite - The 21st Century Paradigm
Restorative Materials and Techniques
Crown Preparations
Impressions and Capturing the Data
Veneer Preparations
Adhesives and Adhesive Dentistry
Treatment Options for Anterior Traumatic Injuries in Young Patients
Classic Collection: Anterior Full Crown Temporaries
Using the Ministar
Classic Collection: Material Selection Anterior
Classic Collection: Immediate Single Tooth Implants
Classic Collection: Single Tooth Implant Temporaries
Classic Collection: Ovate Pontics and Soft Tissue
Classic Collection: Veneer Temporaries
Direct Composite in the Anterior, Part 1: The Science of Composite and Shade Matching
Direct Composite in the Anterior, Part 2: Implementation of Anterior Composites
Digital Workflow for Intra-oral Orthotic Appliances: The Future is Here
Predictable Everyday Composites: A Live Demonstration
Introduction to the Orthodontic-Restorative Connection
The Orthodontic-Restorative Connection: A Framework for Interdisciplinary Treatment
Essential Procedures for the Pediatric Patient
Provisionals for the Dental Assistant
Composites for the Dental Assistant
Impressions for the Dental Assistant
Treating the Edentulous Arches and Introducing the LTR Classification
Posterior Composites: Techniques for Great Dentistry
Posterior Composites: Bulk Fill Resin Composites
Technique Workshop: Resin-Bonded Bridges
A Surgical Option for the Terminal Dentition
Tooth Position
Diagnosing and Treating Excess Gingival Display
Gingival Levels
Biologic Width
Restorative Considerations for Gingival Surgery
Papilla and Gingival Embrasure Management
Ortho vs Restorative Alignment of Teeth
Interviewing the Esthetics Patient
Arrangement and Contour
Anterior Ridge Management
Ovate Pontics
Classic Collection: Single Tooth Anterior Implants
Classic Collection: Immediate Single Tooth Anterior Implants
Provisionals: Eggshell, Implant, Conventional
Treating Multiple Missing Anterior Teeth With Implants
Alternative Strategies when Teeth are Missing
Color Science and Shade Selection
Classic Collection: Preparing Anterior Esthetic Crowns
Classic Collection: Cementing Anterior Esthetic Crowns
Classic Collection: Cementing Porcelain Veneers
Classic Collection: Single Tooth Anterior Implants
Classic Collection: Esthetic Management of Multiple Missing Anterior Teeth
Classic Collection: Endo Treated Teeth Esthetic Management
Comprehensive Dentistry in the Digital World: Esthetics
Comprehensive Dentistry in the Digital World: Data Gathering
Comprehensive Dentistry in the Digital World: Function
Comprehensive Dentistry in the Digital World: Structure
Comprehensive Dentistry in the Digital World: Biology
Equilibration: Visualize the End Before You Begin
Facebow Transfer
Introduction to Occlusion
Occlusal Positions
TMJ Anatomy and Disorders
Muscle Anatomy and Activity in Occlusal Design
Force Distribution and TMJ Loading
Muscle and TMJ Clinical Exam
Appliances and Occlusion
Mounted Casts and Functional Analysis
Bite Registration in Restorative Dentistry
Managing Compromised Occlusions
Classic Collection: Clinical Examination of Joints and Muscles
Classic Collection: Centric Relation Bite Records
Classic Collection: Facebow Transfer
Classic Collection: The Occlusal Appliance - Making the Correct Choice
Classic Collection: The Anterior Bite Plane Appliance
Classic Collection: Maxillary Full Arch Appliance Insertion
Classic Collection: Mounting and Evaluating Models
TMD: Exam to Decision- Megan, Part 1
TMD: Exam to Decision- Ann
TMD: Exam to Decision- John
TMD: Exam to Decision- Megan, Part 2
Occlusal Concepts & Philosophies: Current Knowledge vs. Classic Beliefs
Managing Occlusion in Clinical Practice
Factors in Establishing Maximum Intercuspation (MIP)
Implant Restorative
Implant Treatment Planning: Developing the Preliminary Restorative Plan
Prosthetically Driven Treatment Planning for Implants
Implants 101
Implant Impression Copings and Impression Techniques
Understanding Radiographic and Surgical Guides
Osseointegration and Implant Loading Protocol
Implant Biomechanics
Abutment Selection
Ensuring Precision and Accuracy with Verification Jigs
Edentulous Arches and Immediate Provisional Restorations
Full Arch Implant Supported Fixed Dental Restorations
Single Implant in the Esthetic Zone
The Orthodontic Implant Interface, Part 1
The Orthodontic Implant Interface, Part 2
Treatment Planning with the CPR Protocol (Contingency, Priority, Risk)
Factors to Consider in Determining Implant Positioning
Developing an Approach for Implant Site Development
Fabricating an Implant Provisional in the Esthetic Zone: Rationale and Techniques to Enhance Soft Tissue Esthetics
Treatment Options for Maintaining Tissue Support During Immediate Implant Placement
Indications for Choosing the Right Abutment
Screw-Retained and Cement-Retained Restorations
Worn Dentition
Changes that Occur with Wear
Esthetic and Functional Treatment Planning for Wear Patients
Vertical Dimension and Wear
Structural Considerations and Wear
Interdisciplinary Management of Wear
Occlusal Guidance in Wear Patients
Occlusal Pathways and Wear
Designing Occlusion for Wear Patients
Anterior Material Selection for Wear Patients
Posterior Material Selection for Wear Patients
Appliance Choices for Wear Patients
Implant Considerations in Wear Patients
Managing High-Risk Patients
Classic Collection: Worn Dentition
Dental Sleep Medicine
Creating an Airway Vocabulary
Upper Airway Resistance: TMD by Any Other Name...
Inspiratory Flow Limitation: Stepping Beyond Apnea
Pediatric Airway Questions
Pediatric Airway Examination and Protocol
Pediatric Airway Resolution
Reasons Behind Dysfunctional Breathing and Orofacial Behavior
The Role of Breathing and Orofacial Myology in Interdisciplinary Airway Management
Airway Screening Tools: Cardiopulmonary Coupling
Airway Screening Tools: High-Resolution Pulse Oximetry
The Seattle Protocol
Seattle Protocol Chairside Demonstration
Beyond Restorative
Continual Specialist Communication: Who is Responsible?
Articaine and Buffering Agents in the Restorative Practice
Behavioral Influences on Susceptibility to Periodontitis
Mandibular Nerve Blocks, Part 1
Mandibular Nerve Blocks, Part 2
Validating Occlusal Therapy with Patients Susceptible to Periodontitis
Non-surgical Periodontal Therapies
Understanding Dental Anesthesia
Effective Periodontal Therapies in the Restorative Dental Practice, Part I: “The Successful Patient”
Effective Periodontal Therapies in the Restorative Dental Practice, Part II: “Periodontitis is an Inflammatory Bone Disease”
Basic Endodontic Diagnosis
What Is Cone Beam CT?
A Systematic Approach to Endodontic Diagnosis: A Seven Step Process, Part 1
The Periodontal Patient as the Primary Therapist
A Systematic Approach to Endodontic Diagnosis: A Seven Step Process Part 2
Working with Periodontists
A Systematic Approach to Endodontic Diagnosis: A Seven Step Process Part 4
Airway vs. Occlusion: The Role of the Dental Profession, Part 2
A Systematic Approach to Endodontic Diagnosis: A Seven Step Process Part 3
Techniques for Predictable Endodontic Access Preparations
A Systematic Approach to Endodontic Diagnosis: A Seven Step Process Part 5
Clinical Protocol for Performing Emergency Endodontic Treatment
Endodontic Instrumentation, Part 1
Endodontic Obturation
Endodontic Instrumentation, Part 2
Challenges of Implementing Comprehensive Dentistry
Implementing the Comprehensive Exam and Dental Photography
Dental Traumatology
Endodontic Diagnosis
Goal-Oriented Treatment Planning with Corticotomy Facilitated Orthodontics
Outcome-Based Restorative Concepts
Indirect Restoration Fundamentals
Technique Workshop: Anterior Crowns
Technique Workshop: Posterior Crowns
Technique Workshop: Partial Coverage Anterior Veneers
Technique Workshop: Partial Coverage Posterior Inlays & Onlays
The 5-Step Approach to Fabricate Conventional Dentures
Innovations in Periodontics: Saving Teeth for Health, Function & Esthetics
The Things I’ve Learned the Hard Way
New Patients
New Patient Types, Scheduling and Value Roles
The New Patient Experience, Part 1: The Telephone Call
The New Patient Experience, Part 2: Preparation and Arrival
The New Patient Experience, Part 3: Interview and Value for Care
The New Patient Experience, Part 4: Exam, Consultation and Completion
The New Patient Experience: Implementation and Optimization
Practice Success
Challenges of Practice Leadership
Human Resources for the Dental Practice - A System for Determining the Hiring Needs of Your Practice
Possibilities of a Successful Dental Practice
How Practices Grow
Creating a Vision and Life Plan
Fundamental Leadership Objectives
Introduction to Medical Billing for the Dental Practice
Preparing Medical Billing Claims Documentation
Application of Medical Billing Concepts
How Small Changes Can Have a Big Impact on Patient Relationships
Implementing Comprehensive Dentistry in a Start-Up Practice
Practice Essentials: Practice Philosophy for the Dental Team
Setting Patients Up for Success When Referring to a Specialist
The Importance of Thorough and Accurate Case Notes
Improving Yelp Reviews in the Dental Practice
Converting Online Real Estate and Reviews Into New Patients
Different Models for Case Presentation
How Do Patients Make Decisions?
Co-Diagnosis and the Role of Patient Education Videos
Communication and Patient Retention
The Role of Follow-Up
Developing a Strategy for Follow-Up
How to Create, Design and Deliver Email Newsletters
Communication Breakdown When Interacting with Patients
Creating Emotionally Engaged Patients
How to Handle Negative Feedback from a Patient
Keys to Effective Patient Communication
Lobby Videos: Top 3 Strategies to Increase Case Acceptance
New Patients in Your Dental Practice
The Impact of Consistent Patient Follow-Up
The Strategic Leader
What Does Success Look Like? Setting Goals and Measuring Success
Do Whitening Strips and Gels Work?
How Can My Tooth be Replaced?
Is an Electric Toothbrush Better than a Manual One?
My 17-Year-Old Daughter Wants to Get Her Tongue Pierced. What Should I Tell Her?
My Dentist Says I Have a Cavity. Why Doesn’t It Hurt?
Other Than Cosmetic, Are There Other Benefits to Orthodontics?
Should I Replace My Silver Fillings With White Ones?
What Causes Bad Breath?
What Can I Do About Sensitive Teeth?
What is Periodontal Disease?
Why Should I See a Dentist If I’m Not in Pain?
Why Should My Wisdom Teeth Be Removed If They Haven’t Caused Any Problems Yet?
Can My Teeth Give Me Headaches?
How Do I Know When It's Time for a Checkup?
How Much Radiation do Dental X-rays Emit and is it Safe?
Should I Be Worried if I Grind My Teeth?
What are Sealants?
What Are These Dark Lines on the Edges of my Front Teeth?
What's Fluoride and Why is it Important for Dental Health?
What is an Underbite and What Problems Can It Cause?
What's the Difference Between a Cleaning and Periodontal Treatment?
What's the Difference Between a Crown and an Onlay?
Why are my Teeth Becoming More Crowded?
Why Does the Dentist Take X-rays?
Why Should I Floss? Isn't Brushing Enough?
Why Should I Go to the Dentist Regularly?
At What Age Should I First Take My Child to the Dentist?
Can Enamel Regrow?
Can I Get an Implant the Same Day my Tooth is Extracted?
Can Mouthwash Really Prevent Plaque?
How Can I Prevent Cavities?
How Do I Clean My Tongue?
How Often Should I Change My Toothbrush?
How Often Should I Floss?
What Happens if I Don't Replace My Tooth?
What's a Bone Graft?
What's a Bridge?
What's a Root Canal?
What's That White Stuff Along my Gumline?
Why Would My Dentist Refer Me to a Specialist?
Does Acid Reflux and Heartburn Affect Teeth?
I Don't Like the Spaces Between my Front Teeth. What Can I Do?
I've Been Consistent About Checkups and Cleanings. Why is the Dentist Suddenly Suggesting an Hour-Long Complete Examination?
Is Denture Adhesive Safe?
My Gums Show a Lot When I Smile. What Can I Do About This?
My Teeth Are Sensitive When I Drink Something Cold. What Can I Do About It?
What Can I Do About My Loose Denture?
What is a Crown and Why Can't I Just Have a Filling?
What is Crown Lengthening?
What is Gum Disease?
What is the Procedure for Placing an Implant?
What's an Amalgam Filling and is it Safe?
What's the Difference Between a Regular Nightguard and What You are Recommending?
Why are my Jaw Muscles Sore?
How Can I Treat Bleeding Gums?
Implementing Spear Patient Education Videos
Why Do Teeth Darken?
Are Dental X-Rays Safe?
Key Factors in Your Succession Goals
Succession Case Study and Economics: General Practice
Succession Case Study and Economics: Specialist Practice
Exit Planning
Alternative Succession Strategies and Special Situations
Associate Compensation
Partnership and Group Economics
Managing Patient and Referral Relationships in Successions
Facility Utilization and Calendar Planning
Integrating the New Doctor
Finding the Right Candidate
Practice Valuation
Agreements and Documentation
Case Presentation
Classic Collection: The Case Presentation Process
Case Acceptance in the Modern Dental Practice, Part 1
Case Acceptance in the Modern Dental Practice, Part 2
Communication and Case Acceptance in the Restorative Practice, Part 1
Communication and Case Acceptance in the Restorative Practice, Part 2
Using Photos on the Mac to Treatment Plan
Getting Started with Patient Education TV Apps
Fundamentals of Patient Communication
Using Photos on the PC to Treatment Plan
Getting Started with the Patient Education Tablet App
Getting Started with Patient Education
General Clinical Skills
Using Positioners for Direct Digital Radiography
Using Positioners for Indirect Digital Radiography
Excellence in Oral Radiography
Part 1: Occlusion for the Dental Team: What is it and Why Do We Care?
Part 2: A Deeper Look at Occlusion for the Dental Team: Muscles
Part 3: A Deeper Look at Occlusion for the Dental Team: Temporomandibular Joint
Part 4: A Deeper Look at Occlusion for the Dental Team: Periodontium and Dentition
Camera Types and DSLR Camera Setup
Setting Up the Digital SLR Camera
Six Images That Will Improve Case Acceptance
New Patient Exam - Part 1: Operatory Set-up, Pre-clinical Exam and Assistant Interaction
New Patient Exam - Part 2: Outside-in Flow, Extra-oral
New Patient Exam - Part 3: Outside-in Flow, Intra-oral
Clinical Photography
Dental Photography-Understanding the Complete Series of Images
Difficult Conversations in the Operatory for the Dentist
Preparation Reduction Guides for the Assistant
Lab Communication for the Dental Assistant
Making Accurate Dental Models
Fabricating a Bleaching Tray
Making Alginate Impressions
Temporary Crowns on Single Posterior Teeth
Understanding Kavo Articulators and Facebows
Understanding Panadent Articulators and Facebows
Understanding SAM III Articulators and Facebows
Understanding the Denar 300 Series Articulators and Facebows
Understanding the Stratos Articulator and Facebows
Understanding the Artex Articulators and Facebows
Understanding the Whipmix Articulators and Facebows
Understanding the Hanau Articulators and Facebows
Practice Essentials: The Assistant's Role on the Dental Team
Impact of Mouth Breathing on Oral and General Health, Part 2
Impact of Mouth Breathing on Oral and General Health, Part 1
The Importance of Medical/Dental Histories in Understanding a Patient's Overall Health
The Best Ever Hygiene Exam
Ergonomics to Enhance Clinical Performance
The Four-Pronged Approach: A Comprehensive View of Periodontal Therapy
Difficult Conversations in the Operatory for the Hygienist
Ultrasonics vs. Hand Instrumentation: Selection and Application
Principle-Based Dental Hygiene
From Biofilm to Bleeding
Xylitol - the Biggest Game Changer for Dental Hygiene
Practice Essentials: The Hygienist's Role on the Dental Team
The Toothpaste Secret: Helping Patients Develop Effective Toothbrushing Habits
Toss the Floss: Exploring Alternatives for Interproximal Hygiene
Skip the Lecture: Being an Effective Oral Health Coach for your Patients
Office Manager
Human Resources for the Dental Practice - Hiring Best Practices
Human Resources for the Dental Practice - Legal Concerns for Your Practice
Human Resources for the Dental Practice - A System for Having Effective Employee Performance Conversations
Practice Essentials: The Front Office's Role on the Dental Team
Optimizing Critical Communication with your Lab Technician
Presenting Treatment Options vs. a Treatment Plan to Improve Case Acceptance
Maximizing Value for Your Practice During the New Patient Interview
Using the "Opening Ears" Method to Build Patient Trust During the Initial Exam
The TMJ Demonstrator
TMJ Is Not a Disease
Inlays, Onlays and Veneers vs. Crowns
Implant Basics
Implants in the Hygiene Room
Alternatives to Dentures
Gummy Smiles
What About Cracked Teeth?
The Power of Photography
The Examination Checklist - Start the Conversation
Using the Articulator in Clinical Practice
Elements of Treatment Planning
Why Orthodontics for Adults?
Understanding the Etiologies of Tooth Wear
Establishing Value for Specific Procedures Recommended to Your Patients
Occlusal Appliances for Patients with Tooth Wear
Common Patterns of Tooth Wear and Their Treatment
Using Composite to Treat Patients with Tooth Wear
What Records are Necessary to Implement a Comprehensive Approach to Treatment Planning?
Talking to Patients About Tooth Wear
When Can I Have My Tooth: Understanding the Biology of Implant Osseointegration
Options for Troublesome Lower Dentures
Consequences of Not Treating a Missing Tooth
Digital Scanning for the Restorative Practice
Restorative Materials for Indirect Restorations
Understanding Implant Healing Abutments
Using CAD/CAM Technology to Build Value with Your Patients
What is Occlusion?
Introducing the Comprehensive Exam to Existing Patients
Working with Patients that Choose to Delay Treatment
Occlusal Appliances for the Dental Team
Increasing Clinical Efficiency Using Mini-Systems
Communicating the True Cost of Treatment to Patients
Your Relationship with Money
A Systematic Approach to Treatment Planning
What Does a Comprehensive Approach to Treatment Planning Look Like?
Phasing Complex Treatment Over Time
Can a Broken Tooth Be Reattached?
Talking to Existing Patients about Comprehensive Treatment
All This Work Now: Recommending Comprehensive Treatment to Existing Patients
Implementation of Airway in the Practice
Implementation of Photography in the Practice
Implementation of the Functional Exam in the Practice
The Integration of Minimally Invasive Concepts into Complex Treatment Plans
Case Study: Effectively Communicating Your Practice's Unique Identity to New Patients
Defining Your Practice's Unique Identity
Using the Initial Phone Call to Align Patient Expectations
Managing Fear When Presenting Findings to Your Patients
Creating Positive Patient Experiences
Scheduling for Practice Growth
Controlling Accounts Receivable
The Power of Your Words
Conducting Team Meetings
Preventing Cancellations and No-Shows in Hygiene
Helping Patients Value & Afford Great Dentistry
Improving Patient Invitations & New Patient Flow
Communicating With Patients About Insurance
Helping Patients Make Better Treatment Choices
Effective and Focused Morning Meetings
Recognizing Opportunities for Comprehensive Care
Giving Long Term Patients a New Vision For Dentistry
Creating Urgency for "Do I Really Need It?"
Teaching Patients That Prevention Is Not Enough
Ten Things to Say Differently in a Dental Office
Using Spear Patient Education Videos to Increase Case Acceptance
How Beliefs about Money Affect the Dental Practice
Fees and Price Versus Value Perception
Setting Fees to Maximize Profitability
Insurance: Communicating with Patients about Maximizing Benefits and Phasing Treatment
Insurance: Choosing Whether to Partner with Insurance Providers
Triangulation in the Dental Office
How to Discuss Dental Benefits with Patients When You're Out of Network
Improve Patient Communication in the Hygiene Room
Technology in the Restorative Practice
Improve Your Online Presence
Power Questions for the New Patient Phone Call
“What Spear Online curriculum has done is really focused and organized the learning process for our staff. We don’t have a whole lot of time in our practice for education because we’re so busy with patient care. So, having something that is systemized and focused like the curriculum has really helped us... and it energizes the office.”
- Bob Schoenenberger, D.D.S.
Sheboygan, Wisconsin
Relief With Practice Recovery
The new program provides you with a framework to develop an action plan for financial stability and team alignment in a time of crisis. Get immediate help through our “4 Key Initiatives,” which you can prioritize based on your specific needs:
Managing receivables
Money is crucial, more than ever. Missing opportunity for revenue in lean times can mean the difference between survival and failure.
Strategic scheduling
Each practice needs a recovery scheduling expert so they can ramp up right away and put hundreds of cancelations into a meaningful cadence.
Patient messaging
It’s essential to communicate clearly with patients that the dental office is safe and how your office is managing the crisis.
Patient financing
A practice needs to make it financially possible for often-skeptical patients to achieve their optimal oral health in a time of economic downturn.
Team Training
Tools for the Front Office, Hygienists and Assistants

Lessons for the Entire Practice
Guide the professional development of your clinical team with courses that foster a deep understanding of how the various roles contribute to greater overall patient satisfaction.
- Assign courses to elevate the individual skills of each team member.
- Track their progress through dental CE-eligible quizzes and receive implementation plans that put the lessons into immediate action.
Bring Passion and Purpose to Team Meetings
Create a powerful practice, one meeting at a time, through online videos and guided discussion resources that make your regular sit-downs highly engaging and productive.
- Meeting modules come fully equipped with agendas, video lessons, discussion questions and implementation plans.
- Resources help you and your team maintain consistent standards and messaging across all functions of the practice.
When your staff understands and communicates the value of the dentistry you provide, patients are better informed and more receptive to accepting treatment.View the Spear Online interactive pathway.

“I’ve tried other online curriculum providers, but none are as polished and well-produced as Spear Online.
I can sharpen my skills anytime, anywhere”
- Eric Moellers, D.D.S.
Decorah, Iowa
Patient Education
Communication That Empowers Your Patients

Share animated, research-driven videos with the new Patient Education chairside tablet app and streaming lobby videos — resources proven to drive increased case acceptance and make complex clinical issues easy for the average person to understand.
Included with your Spear Online membership, the Patient Education platform enables you to:
- Help patients grasp their conditions and the potential consequences of inaction without fear or shame.
- Effortlessly stream engaging, unobtrusive video content to the TVs in your lobby via Apple TV or Fire TV Stick.
- Create friction-free chairside discussions with the swipe of a finger across your tablet.
- Select from a robust library with hundreds of videos, with optional Spanish-language subtitles, created by the industry leader in dental educational content.
- Email and text treatment recommendations, or provide custom print sheets, in an instant.
“I have some pretty new staff members in key positions that have a lot of experience in dentistry but have never really had the foundation that Spear gives you for our whole office philosophy. What I like about it is there are flowcharts to follow and people are held accountable.”
- Brian Dennis, D.D.S.
Albuquerque, New Mexico
Lobby Tools
Make Your Lobby More Engaging
The Patient Education platform includes a library of condition overview videos, such as those on hygiene habits and tooth wear, that are ideal to stream in your lobby.
Plug-and-play with Fire TV Stick & Apple TV Our new native apps make it easy for your staff to automate content so you can focus on other practice priorities.
Unobtrusive silent videos Even as they run in the background, Patient Education videos are designed to catch the viewer’s attention, so they come to your chair prepared and ask more informed questions about their oral health.
Customize your lobby video content Create custom video playlists that reflect your practice’s clinical standards by uploading your own images, logos and specific information.

Equip Your Team to Answer Patients’ Burning Questions with Conversation Essentials
Provide your patients with a more comforting and satisfying experience following our series of brief video lessons that highlight effective answers to their most challenging questions.
- Learn to develop more consistent messaging among team members to set clearer patient expectations
- Establish a set of key responses to provide patients with a greater understanding of their conditions and treatment options
Dental Forum
With Spear Talk, You’re Never Alone
The Spear Talk forum connects you to thousands of like-minded colleagues in a supportive, clinician-only community monitored by Spear faculty and contributing authors.
- Find answers to any clinical or practice-management issue, share your knowledge of dental CE issues and draw from the experience of other dentists.
- Learn from specific cases and anecdotes posted by others, and from the solutions provided by Spear faculty.
- No salespeople or manufacturers permitted.

“I feel like I was able to utilize Spear Online curriculum videos to be able to see what is going on with my patients in a way that I wasn’t able to see before. It also made me more comfortable presenting that treatment, or at least talking about that treatment with patients.”
- Benjamin DeGraff, D.M.D.
Portland, Oregon
Subscribe Now
Flexible Online Learning at Your Fingertips
Schedule a tour to learn how you can gain 24/7 access to CE-eligible coursework, Patient Education videos, team training multimedia and more with an annual Spear Online membership.
Questions? Contact an advisor at 866.781.0072 or online@speareducation.com for membership details or additional information on how Spear Online could benefit your practice.