Virtual Spear Summit 2020

Dentists who've attended past Spear Summits in Scottsdale might recall the ambiance of the Princess Resort next door to the Spear Campus, or last year's first-ever event at the gorgeous JW Marriott Phoenix Desert Ridge Resort & Spa.

The camaraderie of Summit is always unmatched, and attendees will no doubt share stories about the cutting-edge clinical lessons and motivational Great Dentistry messages that have led Summit to become one of the most anticipated annual dental events of the year.

Given the realities of COVID-19, things are different for 2020 – but perhaps more compelling than ever, with Summit going entirely virtual, via a new interactive platform that offers added online engagement with some of the most progressive thinkers in the dental industry.

Summit will be held online over three Saturdays – Aug. 29, Sept. 12, and Oct. 10. This gives Summit attendees three separate days of unique content to enjoy comfortably from anywhere in the world, delivered on a new online platform that provides attendees with the most seamless virtual connectivity and interactive learning experience.

Summit access is provided to members of Spear Faculty Club, Spear Masters Program, and Spear Practice Solutions, in addition to leaders of Spear Study Clubs.

REGISTER FOR SUMMIT: Qualified members can register by contacting their Customer Success Manager. For information on specific times, scheduled speakers and registration details, visit

Keynote speaker Carly Fiorina on 'Unlocking Potential: Leaders Exist Everywhere'

Carley Fiorina

Carly Fiorina, the former Hewlett-Packard CEO, the first woman ever to lead a Fortune 50 company, will deliver the Summit keynote presentation on Sept. 12.

Ms. Fiorina will share leadership perspectives, drawing from her business background, forays into national politics, and experiences chairing the nonprofit Good360 to offer inspiration on the “power of people to transform organizations and change the world.”

Spear Resident Faculty presentations

Aug. 29 begins with opening remarks from Dr. Frank Spear and includes dual faculty breakout sessions, where two Resident Faculty provide clinical perspectives on specific topics, such as:

  • Drs. Martin Mendelson and Steve Ratcliff – “The Keys to a Successful Study Club”
  • Drs. Jeff Rouse and Jim McKee – “Are We Treating the Same Patient? The Blending of Airway and Joint-Based Prosthodontics”
  • Drs. Rebecca Bockow and Michael Gunson – “There is More Than You Think to a Gummy Smile”
  • Dr. Ricardo Mitrani and his practice partner Dr. Jack Goldberg – “A Guidepost for Treating Terminal Dentition and the Edentulous Patient”

Sept. 12 faculty presentations will address the topic of dental practice leadership in a time of responding to the COVID-19 crisis, including those from Drs. Spear, Mendelson and Mitrani – in addition to other Resident Faculty like Drs. Greggory Kinzer, Gary DeWood and Mitch Ellingson, and Amy Morgan and Aimee Fletcher.

Sept. 12 sessions will cover everything from ”Leading Your Referral Community Through Chaos” to practice management lessons applicable to any dental practice that's been forced to navigate the ongoing public health crisis.

Faculty like Dr. DeWood, Dr. Ellingson and Ms. Morgan have pioneered Spear Practice Solutions curricula and materials that have proven to assist dentists in successful revitalization of their practices through the shutdowns and reopenings that resulted from the pandemic.

On Oct. 10, clinical presentations include those by Spear Resident Faculty Drs. Robert Winter (“A Dental Magnification Odyssey”) and Jason Smithson (“The Direct Restoration of the Peg Lateral Incisor”), in addition to Drs. Lou Berman and Darin Dichter, among others, for what will amount to a highly engaging and inspirational third and final day of Summit.

Guest speakers touch on dentistry's most timely clinical issues

Guest speakers at Summit include:

  • Daniel Edelhoff , C.D.T., DR. MED. DENT., Ph.D.
    CAD/CAM-Polymers as Innovative Pre-treatment Option for Complex Rehabilitations
  • Joseph Kan, D.D.S., M.S.
    Implant Papilla Management in the Esthetics Zone: Science, Art & Limitations
  • Federico Ferraris, D.D.S., M.S.
    Composite vs. Ceramic: Esthetic Clinical Protocols
  • Audrey Yoon, D.D.S., M.S.
    Role of Orthodontic Intervention in OSA: Functional and Physiological Approach of Orofacial Structure Restoration